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Full Combo and Mana Guide for All Level 18 Characters in League of Legends

The table below shows the total amount of mana used by all 4 abilities at level 18, the percentage of the total mana the character will have and how much mana they will have left.

  # Champion Total mana Full combo mana Percent used Mana left
1 Poppy 725 325 44.8% 400
2 Alistar 899 400 44.5% 499
3 Veigar 1240 535 43.1% 705
4 Malzahar 1060 430 40.6% 630
5 Warwick 730 295 40.4% 435
6 Singed 1025 400 39% 625
7 Sona 1075 410 38.1% 665
8 Xerath 1084 410 37.8% 674
9 Amumu 940 355 37.8% 585
10 Twitch 940 350 37.2% 590
11 Fizz 920 340 37% 580
12 Nocturne 845 310 36.7% 535
13 Jayce 960 345 35.9% 615
14 Caitlyn 885 315 35.6% 570
15 Pantheon 822 290 35.3% 532
16 Rammus 849 300 35.3% 549
17 Nautilus 1100 380 34.5% 720
18 Twisted Fate 886 300 33.9% 586
19 Graves 975 330 33.8% 645
20 Nami 1079 365 33.8% 714
21 Sion 920 310 33.7% 610
22 Irelia 860 290 33.7% 570
23 Volibear 760 255 33.6% 505
24 Nunu 969 325 33.5% 644
25 Yorick 865 290 33.5% 575
26 Thresh 992 330 33.3% 662
27 Jax 860 285 33.1% 575
28 Lux 1150 380 33% 770
29 Skarner 925 304 32.9% 621
30 Nasus 1010 330 32.7% 680
31 Gangplank 935 305 32.6% 630
32 Blitzcrank 920 300 32.6% 620
33 Cassiopeia 1150 375 32.6% 775
34 Tristana 769 250 32.5% 519
35 Zilean 1340 435 32.5% 905
36 Cho’Gath 925 300 32.4% 625
37 Orianna 1150 370 32.2% 780
38 Diana 950 305 32.1% 645
39 Miss Fortune 896 285 31.8% 611
40 Ziggs 1150 365 31.7% 785
41 Fiddlesticks 1313 415 31.6% 898
42 Jarvan IV 955 300 31.4% 655
43 Sejuani 940 295 31.4% 645
44 Hecarim 930 290 31.2% 640
45 Brand 1060 330 31.1% 730
46 Wukong 886 275 31% 611
47 Heimerdinger 960 295 30.7% 665
48 Lulu 1190 365 30.7% 825
49 Ezreal 1045 320 30.6% 725
50 Shaco 950 290 30.5% 660
51 Malphite 935 285 30.5% 650
52 Janna 1454 440 30.3% 1014
53 Talon 980 295 30.1% 685
54 Varus 898 270 30.1% 628
55 Teemo 920 275 29.9% 645
56 Lissandra 1120 335 29.9% 785
57 Leona 955 285 29.8% 670
58 Viktor 1140 340 29.8% 800
59 Anivia 1211 355 29.3% 856
60 Vi 1030 300 29.1% 730
61 Galio 1135 330 29.1% 805
62 Taric 1263 365 28.9% 898
63 Syndra 1150 330 28.7% 820
64 Vel’Koz 1060 300 28.3% 760
65 Ahri 1150 325 28.3% 825
66 Zyra 1150 325 28.3% 825
67 Braum 1045 295 28.2% 750
68 Morgana 1320 370 28% 950
69 Master Yi 936 260 27.8% 676
70 Fiora 940 260 27.7% 680
71 Draven 996 275 27.6% 721
72 Xin Zhao 845 230 27.2% 615
73 Annie 1150 310 27% 840
74 Darius 875 235 26.9% 640
75 Swain 1140 305 26.8% 835
76 Nidalee 1030 270 26.2% 760
77 Quinn 840 220 26.2% 620
78 Kha’Zix 980 250 25.5% 730
79 Urgot 1210 305 25.2% 905
80 LeBlanc 1150 290 25.2% 860
81 Karthus 1368 344 25.1% 1024
82 Soraka 1320 330 25% 990
83 Vayne 803 200 24.9% 603
84 Lucian 968 240 24.8% 728
85 Jinx 980 240 24.5% 740
86 Sivir 1100 270 24.5% 830
87 Corki 909 220 24.2% 689
88 Kayle 975 235 24.1% 740
89 Kog’Maw 975 220 22.6% 755
90 Trundle 1016 225 22.1% 791
91 Elise 1140 250 21.9% 890
92 Karma 1190 260 21.8% 930
93 Gragas 1067 230 21.6% 837
94 Evelynn 1000 210 21% 790
95 Ryze 1240 260 21% 980
96 Maokai 1078 220 20.4% 858
97 Ashe 803 160 19.9% 643
98 Udyr 760 146 19.2% 614
99 Kassadin 1490 245 16.4% 1245
100 Olaf 1000 90 9% 910
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