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4orner Review

How the Game Works

Several coloured balls drop onto the middle of the screen. The player then swipes the coloured ball into the matching coloured corner and then collects the balls that have dropped. The game is meant to be played at an incredibly fast pace.

What We Thought of The Game

Now, the worst thing about this game that makes it almost unplayable is the choice of colours. I’m colourblind and that gives me great difficulty in matching three of the four colours with the coloured balls in the middle. The game is based around the difference between these four colours and if you can’t tell the difference the game is ruined.

However, for someone who is not colourblind the game is fun. It’s a great concept that works well. It’s sort of a hungry hippos meets a chain reaction.

In my time of gaming I’ve not come across something like this, it’s certainly a fun, unique game that can take up that time on the train in the morning or a couple of minutes while you wait on your phone.

Check out the web version here or install the Android APK here

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