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An Interview With Guru eSports

Thanks for doing an interview with us, first can you tell our readers a little bit about Guru eSports?

Yes! We are the competitive division of an eSports website, esports.guru. We take pride in being a true organization for Amateurs with providing all the help and resources necessary to take them to the next level.

What games do you have teams in and which ones would you like to expand in to?

We currently have three teams under our brand; our Call of Duty youth team Guru.CoD, Counter Strike team Guru.CSGO, and our most recent signed is Jayyster who plays who plays Hearthstone for Guru’s Hearthstone Division.

What leagues do you play in and where are you placed?

Guru.CoD is competing to take part in PA’s amateur CoD league taking place next month.

Guru.CSGO is competing in ESEA Intermediate; we’re set on reaching promotion next season.

Jayyster is not competing in any leagues, but does do tournaments every week and weekend.

What’s your greatest achievement as an organisation?

Signing a partnership with esports.guru has by far been the biggest thing we’ve done as an organization so far.

Would you rather never laugh again or never use your smartphone again?

What’s the point of having a smartphone if you can’t laugh at all the funny cat videos? I’ll go with never use my smartphone.

What is your favourite website (that isn’t your own)?

Esports.Guru 😉

How old were you when you started playing competitive games?

I personally started playing competitive at the age of 13 with Modern Warfare 2. I was pretty good as well, but was unfortunately forced to stop by my parents because they didn’t believe in esports. Now that I am older, it is nice to be a part of making other people’s dreams come true.

Do you have a organisation song (if not, what would it be)?

“The Duck Song” –TRONxVortex, Guru.CoD

What’s your best joke?

See above answer.

Who is the best player in your organisation?

Tron and Catchy from our CoD team have done the most for us and have been with me the longest, so I would have to go with them. Though, Jayyster is looking very promising and our CSGO team has some phenomenal players. We also can’t forget the duo, Effusive and Sinnr who finishes our CoD Squad.

Would you rather have no thumbs and only be able to play consoles, or have only thumbs and play PC?

I don’t own any consoles so I have only one possible answer.

What is your favourite sports team (not esports)?

Manchester City, or Sporting KC if I want a team that’s a bit closer to home.

Where can people find you on social media?

@GuruEsports on twitter!

Do you want to give any shoutouts?

Our new partners over at @VABranding do some amazing work for very fair prices. Also, the whole Guru team, @Gurus_HQ and @eSports_Guru.

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