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Third Map – NiP Match Up Against Fnatic in the ESL One Cologne Grand Final

The grand final saw the maps Nuke and Mirage vetoed, leaving Cobblestone to be played first, NiP on terrorist, NiP choose Cache with Fnatic starting CT side and finally Inferno to be the decider with Fnatic as CT.

NiP won the first map, Cobblestone 16-11 and Fnatic won the second map, Cache 16-8 which took us to a decider map, Inferno.

Fnatic took an aggressive stance in the first half pistol round giving them an early lead in the round but Get_Right went huge with a quadruple kill with the glock, 1-0 NiP. We then saw another force buy from Fnatic in the second round, this time with two scouts, it once again paid off for Fnatic, 1-1. NiP used smokes to perfection to get the bomb down on B.

NiP lost the buy round but once again got the bomb down on their eco, 4-1 Fnatic. In the sixth round NiP run out of time but save two guns for the next round. friberg gets four in the B bombsite on the seventh round picking up the ace against Fnatic in A to give NiP their second round, again showing why he is the man of the tournament.

With a hold from friberg and Xizt the NiP team barely took their third round due to the bomb timer running out to make it 5-3. Again this game is really balanced with Fnatic only just taking the advantage, 8-5. After silly buys from NiP the half finished up at 9-6 in favour of Fnatic.

Fnatic then storm the A bombsite on the pistol and manage to hold it against NiP, that’s 10-6 in favour of Fnatic. NiP couldn’t do what Fnatic did to them and get the second round. But NiP come back to take the third round eco giving them the buy and forcing Fnatic to mix buy, then eco taking it to 11-9 Fnatic.

Some great strats and defensive play give Fnatic their 12th round. NiP took the round after, putting Fnatic on an eco and taking the game to 12-11 in Fnatics favour. Fnatic eco once again to give NiP a level scoreboard.

The buy round went from a 3v3 to a 2v2 but NiP couldn’t retake the bombsite and Fnatic advance to 13-12. The next round by NiP saw Fifflaren take a huge triple kill on quad and NiP even it up at 13-13 as the viewer count hits 400,000.

Fnatic eco, 14-13 NiP. Every NiP member steps up in the buy round to take them to match point, Fnatic can only afford a single AK in the match point round for NiP. Xizt takes two in the final round, f0rest gets one and Fifflaren picks up the final kills of the round and NiP go crazy. NiP WIN!

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