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Top UK Players Create The Lone Rangers Team – Hopefully Here to Stay

The Lone Rangers are a new UK team consisting of top UK players who have been around the top of the scene for what seems forever.

Some of the most accomplished players in the UK scene have come together and formed a new team with the hopes of kick starting an international campaign that will bring the UK side and the UK scene some recognition and respect.

Sam “RattlesnK” Gawn is looking for greatness once again and has partnered up with two of his previous team-mates, Daniel “RE1EASE” Mullan and Brandon “weber” Weber.

Completing The Lone Rangers line up will be George “hudzG” Hoskins and Luke “fearLess” Morris, both of which recently attended Insomnia52 with Team Infused. This does bring up questions as to what the remaining three Infused players will be doing in the recent weeks, possibly teaming up with some of the Rasta Gaming players from i52 and creating their own top UK team.

Weber at i52

Weber commented:

“We’ve decided to come together and form a team comprising of the best the UK has to offer at this current time.

“We plan to keep our heads down and practice hard to show that the UK does have something to offer to the CS:GO scene.”

The UK team are looking to attend ESCW and soon have an organisation to represent, hopefully this team will stay together and not fold after the next event because the lineup isn’t working out or you thought you’d have better results instantly. This is a message for all top UK teams, if we’re going to make UK CSGO work, stick together.

The Lone Rangers are:

Sam “RattlesnK” Gawn
Brandon “weber” Weber
Daniel “RE1EASE” Mullan
George “hudzG” Hoskins
Luke “fearLess” Morris

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