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TheSGL Is Returning To Counter Strike

TheSGL is a league and ladder that used to exist in CS 1.6 and CSS but has since fizzled out and never really ventured in to CS:GO. But now TheSGL are back starting their new ladder and monthly mix cup night.

Blizzard, the owner of TheSGL first released this statement:

“We disappeared without any explanation, M4’s and Ak’s were laid down and peace was called. It has been quiet on theSGL of late, it’s been around two years since the last SGL game it has been a time of peace where clan vs clan called a truce and no shots were fired.

Since then I have loosely kept track of what has happened to the UK Counterstrike Community and from what I have been told and read the UK scene hasn’t hit the heights of the past.

Now I am not for one minute saying theSGL is going to answer to every problem as if we are brutally honest no one visits here now but we have the infrastructure and past experience to maybe give the scene abit of a helping hand.

We enter into this new era of theSGL with no expectations a clean slate so to speak, the site has been cleaned up old adverts removed, old tournaments archived and registration reopened. What is next, We best get on with what we are here for….running tournaments.

Over the next weeks I will be posting about upcoming tournaments, I will be looking for new admins but at the moment if you are one of the few people reading this maybe you could past the word and we can start building the community back up.

Regards Blizzard”

Then this was the most recent update today:

TheSGL Ladder is back, we are proud to announce our first competition sign ups are now open in form of a ladder, read on for how to sign your team up…

Once you are registered for TheSGL, you will need to register your team which you can do in the Control Panel:http://www.thesgl.com/cp/teams/

“We are happy to announce that the CS:GO ladder is now open for sign ups.

Things don’t get much simpler than a straightforward game of CS Here is another offering from us to help raise the heart rate of the community and give not just a way to play some casual matches but also to finally answer that age old question of “high-med-low” skill levels.

They say in football that the table never lies and teams are placed exactly where they deserve to be, the same will be true of the Counter-Strike Global Offensive ladder – you will be placed not by our opinion of where you deserve to be but controlled by how good you actually are. “FTW” and you will be flying high but “FTL” and you’ll be ranked equally as lowly.


TheSGL CS:GO Mix Night

After the successful 50-man mix nights that I have helped create over the last two months I would like to announce I will be holding a monthly pre-made mix night through TheSGL on either Friday or Saturday nights (to be confirmed). It will be a knock-out bracket style tournament just like before.

All skill groups are welcome, come as a premade 5 with friends or bring your team.

We will have TheSGL teamspeak & 128-tick servers with eBot and all the correct configs and what-not’s that are needed.

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