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Flashbang #2 – Preparation For The Major Starts

One of the biggest Majors in CS:GO history is starting next week. And as the saying goes there is always the calm before the storm. But as calm as this week has been, there is still a few things to keep in mind.

The Groups and Schedule For Dreamhack Cluj- Napoca is Out

This is the first step into the mental preparation for this major. Dreamhack released the composition of each groups for this major. Something awesome with such a top-level event is that it is a hard task to predict who could be able to get to the playoffs and who won’t.

Except a few favorites, most teams are at a similar skill level and the battle in the group stage will be tough! Notice the group C which is said by many to be the group of death, so much so that it left Hiko speechless.

You can find more information on BaconCape about the draft process in our article here.

Players and Team Stickers Are Available

This is without a doubt my favorite add-on in the game. Who doesn’t want a Tec-9 signed by Olofmeister or an Awp with a KennyS sticker on it?

Team stickers were always available but player stickers add the possibility to shout your admiration for a player by buying his sticker. This concept is very interesting for the CS:GO scene because half the money that you spend on theses stickers will go directly to the players. This funding action helped a lot of lower-tier teams (like Luminosity or Vox Eminor before them) to get the financial support needed to keep growing.

Those stickers sure are fancy, but it is definitely more than just a cosmetic item for the role it plays in the scene.

Play of the Week:

This week it’s none other than Virtus pro Snax who get the medal with an impressive 4k Ak-47 spray versus Fnatic. Even at a close range, you won’t see such a spray control everyday 

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