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Flashbang #23 – 1vs1 Tournament, LDLC and Map Pool Changes

Shox wins PGL htc 1vs1 tournament

This weekend, Bucharest was the home of the 1vs1 htc tournament hosted by PGL, a unique competition where players fight alone to show their strengths in aim maps for rifles, pistols and AWP.

16 players were invited and put in to four groups, and at the end only 4 of them managed to go to the playoffs: shox, MICHU, kennyS, and seized. After two close wins against seized and Michu, shox got to lift the trophy of the tournament. The brackets are as shown:

This tournament allowed the pros to chill in the arena or to try the new htc devices. As serious as the matches were, the players and casters were very casual.

These kind of chill tournaments can be very entertaining for the public and for the pros. Congratulations to shox for his great performance.

LDLC back in the game with a new roster

A lot of changes were happening in the French CS:GO scene. Some of those changes finally take shape with a report on Vakarm of the new roster under the LDLC banner.

The roster is now as follows

Also according to the French source, Maniac was considered to be in charge of this roster, but Ex6tenz took his spot after being released by G2. The Belgian player is known for his ability to take a roster to the top of the scene. Let’s see what he will be able to do with his players.

Active duty changes: Inferno out Nuke in

Valve has announced this week that they will remove Inferno from the active map pool and replace it with Nuke. It comes as a surprise as Inferno was one of the most appreciated maps in the pro scene.

Nuke’s revamp hasn’t been used much in the pro-scene yet and Valve announced that the map changes are immediately effective. The teams will have to work on the map if they don’t want to ban it each game.

Putting inferno away could mean that the map is going to be reworked before being put back in the active map pool. Let’s see what changes are going to be made.

Read the full changelog here

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