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Rust – Surprise Success for Newman

From Garry’s Mod developer, Garry Newman, Rust is a welcomed new game to the open-world survival genre. Facepunch Studios’ new title has been a great success and has already sold 40 percent of what Garry’s Mod sold in nine years. It has been a surprising triumph considering they are also working on several other projects.

“We never, ever expected anything to dwarf GMod’s success.” Said Gary Newman. For just £14.99 on Steam, this game has been snapped up by many gamers including myself. After only playing for a few hours, I can see how one can get sucked into the Rust world.

Killing zombies, raiding radiation towns and avoiding the wildlife, meanwhile trying to survive encounters with other players can be quite tricky. To play this game you must prepare to die a lot. You will be killed by people almost every time but once you set up your own base you can start to conquer the world. Crafting and looting better items will help you survive and give you the best chance. Playing with other people is a must in Rust. Whether it’s just two of you or a large group, it will make things a lot easier! You just need to find each other first.

“Although zombies are featured in the game at this stage, they won’t be in there for much longer” commented Garry Newman.

“Yeah, we really wanted to get rid of them before we launched on Steam, but kind of failed, because we didn’t want people reviewing it as just another zombie survival game. We want to remove them, though – we’ll probably end up removing them and replacing them with nothing, first, then working something else in eventually. We don’t want to rush and end up replacing zombies with mutants or something.”

Rust is an early access game and is still in Alpha so things will change but I’m sure Facepunch Studios’ will only change things for the better.

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