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How technology is changing the way we play

Boardgames and card have been around for hundreds of years and have kept generations entertained at home and anywhere you could manage to take them. In the modern era, the evolution and introduction of new technology have given us more options to explore the internet and the world without ever having to move from our beds. However, this new technology has not replaced and gotten rid of the enjoyment that games and socializing have brought, but it has actually enhanced our connections and gives us new and exciting ways to play and connect with those we love.

The revolution that is mobile gaming may seem scary and new to many, but it is simply an evolution of the ways we played games in the past. New mobile options for gaming has given us new horizons to look to and allows us to play our favourite games on the go. Let’s take a look at the mobile gaming world to see just how it is changing the way we think about games.

Mobile Gaming

Gone are the days of having to carry around a mobile phone and a game boy to keep yourself entertained as the revolutionary concept of mobile gaming has taken the world by storm. New games are coming out every day that are changing the way we use our phones and interact with people all over the world. We’ve seen games like Pokémon GO revolutionize how we thought about getting people outside and have seen billion-dollar companies come into existence by making just one game.

Mobile gaming is no longer reserved for games like Tetris and solitaire, but it has offered players everywhere a chance to rethink how and where they can play their favourite games. Games that used to be reserved for powerful computers and consoles can now be played on our smartphones and give users the potential to play how we want and find games that tailor to our likes and interests. The power to unplug from the wall and go out into the world means that train rides and long flights can give you time to relax and disconnect from the hectic world. Even if you just want to sit in bed or on the couch, mobile gaming has changed how and where we can play our games.

On the go entertainment

Just because mobile gaming is so popular doesn’t mean that other forms of mobile entertainment don’t exist. A very popular and growing type of mobile entertainment is the sector of the mobile casino industry. Many people think that this kind of fun is similar to old school video games that require you to actually go somewhere to play them, but mobile entertainment means that you can have the fun and pleasure of a mobile casino anywhere you go.

Companies want to give their users as much flexibility as possible, so allowing users to take normal activities and do them online means more flexibility for both parties. Giving people the freedom to have fun at home, on the go, or with friends gets rid of many common issues that people have with traditional forms of entertainment. Not having to get out of bed to have the fun normally associated with long drives and lines means that the only thing limiting your possibilities is how much battery life you have left.

With so many diverse ways to be entertained on the go, mobile entertainment and games have really experienced a period of renaissance with so many great new options. Let’s take a look at some of the main benefits that come along with the various forms of mobile entertainment.

The benefits of mobile entertainment


One of the main reasons that mobile entertainment has taken off so much is because if offers anyone the freedom to pick up their technology and play wherever they want. You drive to a local entertainment centre and spin the slots there, or you can go to the beach and enjoy the sunset with all the fun you could ever want to have to be right on your phone. Freedom to take your fun with you and put it in your pocket makes it easier than ever to justify taking the train or car as you can disconnect from the world and enter into the one that you keep in your pocket.


The early days of the internet were filled with sketchy websites and viruses, but modern companies want to keep you safe and secure on the online world. Your data and rights are the responsibility of every entertainment company and they want to make sure you feel comfortable every time you log onto their platform. Online firewalls and encrypted websites make sure that the only information being seen by anyone but you are the wins you show your friends after an exciting session online.


Last but not least, the sheer amount of options you have on the online entertainment space is unlike anything you will find anywhere else. You can go from games about space to games about dinosaurs in seconds and have a completely different experience. New variations on old classics offer something for those looking to remember the past and new games are being developed every day. Having the power to try out new games on the go that you would normally have to download on a computer at home means that you are never far from new experiences and can try the latest games the second they are released.

Key takeaways

From Tetris to the modern online world, mobile entertainment will never be the same with so many options being available on the go. From the old days of cards to the modern era of phone powered games, we have seen that the modern mobile entertainment world is massive and very attractive. Take you fun with you in your pocket and explore the online world from the comfort of your home or anywhere you have the battery life to get to.

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