$300,000 CSGO Event, COBX Gaming, On The Way For India


India is set to host a $300,000 CSGO event later this year with 16 teams set to attend.

The teams will be invited by the event’s organisers with 14 of the 16 teams to be international teams and the remaining two to be determined through a national league starting in April.

RouteMobile co-founder Rajdip Gupta will be funding the event, this is what he had to say: “If you see our talent in games such as CS GO and Dota 2, they are not bad, the major problem is that they don’t get that exposure,” he told sportskeeda.com.

“Our goal is to make India a fixed destination on the international esports calendar.

“So young teams are exposed to experienced players, that is the only way we can have teams playing at majors and high level tournaments across the world.”

India is looking to grow it’s esports offering with Nazara Games also announcing a plan to invest $20 million over the next five years in to a professional league for CSGO, LoL and DotA 2.




Adam is the owner of BC-GB, find him on Twitter. BC-GB is the place to get CSGO tips, news and blog.

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